Julian Aizenberg was awarded by the Medal “For Merit to the Fatherland”

Julian Aizenberg was awarded by the Medal “For Merit to the Fatherland”

By President's Decree No 570 on 3d of October, 2021 the Chief researcher of VNISI, Professor, Ph.D. Julian Aizenberg was awarded with the Medal of Order "For Services to the Fatherland" of II degree "For great contribution to science and many years of conscientious work".

J.B. Aizenberg celebrated his 90th birthday this year. Lighting engineer with a worldwide reputation, head of Division 3 of the Russian National Committee CIE, full member of the Academy of Electrical Sciences of the Russian Federation, editor-in-chief of the magazines "Svetotekhnika" and "Light & Engineering", the founder of the scientific direction in lighting engineering "Hollow Light Guides".

J.B. Aizenberg has published over 600 scientific articles, including 10 books on lighting engineering. Currently a package of manuals on lighting engineering for university students is published under the editorship of J. Aizenberg.

The VNISI team congratulates Julian Aizenberg with the well-deserved award and wishes him many more creative and scientific achievements, a lot of strength and energy!

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